Thursday, June 05, 2008

New Daycare Update & a New Template

Kirsten is loving her new daycare. She had no problems at all staying on the 1st day and told us bye and then went about eating her breakfast and check the surroundings out. She has been so perky when I pick her up each day too and yesterday she wanted to give all the teachers that were sill there "big hugs" before she left. Today one of the teachers asked me if she is potty trained yet. I of course responded "no" but we are really working on it. She then told me Kirsten has been keeping her pull ups dry at school and telling them when she needs to go potty. So we had a little talk on the way home and it didn't work because she refused to go potty before or after dinner and of course wet her pull ups. Hopefully with them working with her at school and us at home she is will staying dry at home more too!

Here's a new template, click to download:

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